Always Food Safe
FSP National Registry of Food Safety Professionals - Certified Safety Manager


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Time with Chef Marshie Morgan


1 Hour Either by:

  1. Phone Conference or
  2. Web Conference

Additional hours may be purchased.



The vitural consult is for:

  • Established clients
  • Someone who needs guidance
  • General questions

Call to schedule a date and time!



Consult in Person with Chef Marshie Morgan:




4 hours of consultation time


Additional hours may be purchased at time of purchase with a discount built in.



Why do I need a Consultant?  Why should I spend the money on a Consultant? Will this really help my bottom line?

You decide!  Do you need help in the following area(s) below?  If you answered yes, to just one area you need to pick up the phone and get some help today! I know it is tough running a business.  Even tougher knowing who to trust.  I am a professional who understands the industry from the back of the house to the front of the house.  I can promise you I am not some slick suit coming in. Nope, I am a no nonsense business owner, Chef here to help you and your business grow and prosper.  Check me out!


Areas of Concentration:


Food Safety:  Sure I can teach a live ServSafe class for your tribe see live ServSafe classes. Yes, I can come in and do a Food Safety Audit/Inspection.  Look here.


What about someone showing you first hand how to properly implement the food safety principals correctly?  Good job you passed the Food Manager's Exam.  Are you prepared to teach the techniques to your staff or do you keep your head above water putting out endless fires and cross your fingers no body gets sick?


I can come in and do hands on teaching of how to do food safety in the trenches the correct and safe way for your kitchen, deli, convenience store, food truck and small manufacturing business.  It doesn't matter where you are in the food business. Just starting out?  You need to start good habits now!  Been in business awhile?  Have your staff gotten complacent when it comes to food safety?  Let the expert come teach them a shift or two how to do it right.



Customized Training Solutions:  Customized?  I am a small mom and pop why do I need customized training?


Often times training has a greater impact on your peeps when the trainer is not you!  They listen to the outsider because they are not the broken record.  I create a customized training for your employees that focuses on your areas of concern.  Topics can be anything from customer service skills, team building, safety, up-selling or anything of your choosing. Those classes can be a customized recorded class with your logo that each new employee must watch like the big chains use. The only difference is it has your name and brand on it.  Perhaps you want a live class customized to your specific needs of concentration.  I am here to help!

"The Go To":  Huh?  The How To Manual or better known as the SOPs. Is your business running you or are you running it? Successful businesses understand that SOP the standard policies and procedures are dictating their steps each and every day.  Policies and Procedures can be time consuming to create and overlooked due to the demands of normal business activities. Save yourself the time and aggravation by letting me create "The Go To" in revenue management, cost controls, menu planning, human resources management, purchasing policies, loss prevention and much more.  Why do I need SOPs?

  • SOPs cut down confusion and the he said, she said conversations
  • SOPs act as a training manual
  • SOPs create consistency in your product and operation
  • SOPs are proactive verses reactive in human resource matters, foodborne illness outbreaks, accidents and incidents
  • SOPs save you time and money



"Chef Special":  We don't have a chef!  We certainly don't have chef specials what does this have to do with me?


You serve food don't you?  Then you need this "Chef Special" because it about menu planning. What is menu planning? We have a menu already?  I have seen to many restaurants go out of business because they became stale and bland.  They were unwilling to keep up or spruce up their menu selection. Menu planning is the heart beat of your operation no matter what size kitchen you have.  Menu Planning is crucial to stay ahead in this competitive market.  Why do you think restaurants create new menu items? Why does McDonalds bring back the McRib? Have you thought about seasonal items?  "Chef Special" = Menu Planning offers the following:

  • Increase Check Average
  • Reduce Food Cost
  • Creates Excitement
  • Reduces Waste
  • Refresh the Menu

Health Check Up:  I never get sick!


When was the last time you had a check up?  When was the last time you saw the doctor?  This Health Check Up is on your establishment. In the day to day grid, we may not be seeing the forest for the trees.  We spend 12 to 16 hours a day in our business and are no longer looking ahead to the future or forgot why we even got into business to begin with.  Have you had someone tell you,"Hey you may want to try or do it this way"?  Only to get upset and maybe even fire them for giving a suggestion.  This is why you need me a third party a professional to come in and give you the good and the bad of your operation.  I will give you the prescription / solutions you can implement right away. No one ever wants to go to the doctor.  Yet we all know an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  The Health Check Up covers all aspects of your business:

  • Menus
  • Product Offerings
  • Decor
  • Customer Reviews
  • Revenues
  • Costs
  • Food Safety
  • Management and Team Structure

Fee Schedule:

  • Initial phone consultation (typically .50 - 1 hour): complimentary.  
  • Hourly Rate: $200/hr and billed in hourly increments. Discounts given for additional hours.
  • No charge for travel or lodging if within 90 miles of Bertram, Texas.  Beyond 90 miles, standard mileage rates apply.   
  • Mileage: IRS standard mileage rate for business, currently 53.5 cents per mile
  • Lodging cost for over 90 miles of Bertram, Texas: Actual cost incurred but no more than $150 per day
  • Meal cost for overnight travel only:  Actual cost but no more than $50 per day
  • Other travel costs (airfare, train, parking, rental car, etc.) Actual cost
  • First 8 hours are paid via shopping cart online; thereafter invoicing will proceed with due upon receipt
  • Additional fees incurred for time outside consultation to put (customized classes, plans, etc.) together and create.
  • While traveling outside the 90 mile radius; a 1/2 up front non refundable deposit is required.


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