Always Food Safe
FSP National Registry of Food Safety Professionals - Certified Safety Manager


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Food Manager Training




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  • Accepted in all 50 states
  • Quick: Finish in 1.5 hours
  • Easy: Self-Paced

Really, OSHA is Required? Yep, really it is a federal law!


OSHA compliance for hospitality industry employees of every kind (including but not limited to, cooks, wait-staff, bussers, hosts, bartenders, chefs, housekeeping, front desk, reservations, maintenance and loss prevention) – whether they work part-time, full-time, or any time – it is the law.

OSHA training and testing is the best way to meet those compliance standards by having documented proof.


If something bad happens where a customer, employee, or vendor gets injured, harmed, sickened, maimed, or killed in a restaurant or hotel, the managers AND THE EMPLOYEES will be thoroughly questioned by attorneys and insurance companies; and, employers and employees at every level will have to answer for their actions (or lack thereof).


Each could be held responsible for the level of training and competency that they have [or don’t have] pertaining to OSHA, safety, health, and security in the subject pertaining to the workplace in hospitality.

This course is designed to give hourly employees in hospitality the training, testing, and awareness they need to be in compliance and be able to recognize and support the management team in creating and maintaining a culture of safety for the people, the establishment, and the assets of any hotel or restaurant anywhere in the United States.

Successful completion of this training will not only make you a more valuable asset to your employer, it will also equip you with critical safety, health, and security knowledge to enable you to more effectively participate in creating and maintaining a culture of safety in your workplace.

Inside, you will learn:

  • What is OSHA and How It Applies to the Hospitaltiy Industry
  • Why Every Hotel and Restaurant Employee Must Comply with Restaurant OSHA
  • How to Help Recognize and Reduce Risks in Your Workplace Before Someone Gets Injured, Harmed, Sickened, Maimed, or Killed

Yes, Even You Can Be Held Responsible! – Therefore, pay attention because your life may depend on it.

Most incidents leading to injury or illness in hotels and restaurants across America and in your part of the country are avoidable. In creating and maintaining a strong culture of safety, hotel and restaurant owners, managers, and employees at every level in every size and type of hotel and restaurant make preventative safety policies and procedures a priority.

Online OSHA Employee per student
(email with student names because of certification)

1-34=$15.99 (no discount)
201 =$9.99

OSHA Employee Book w/ certification
plus shipping, handling and tax (need shipping address)

1-50=$9.99 (no discount)
451-650 =$6.99

Courses and books are paid by credit card because they are online courses and they can start to study sooner rather than later.  However, you may call me directly and we can work something out for large orders and set up invoicing arrangements.  Books must be paid for in advance.


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Food Manager Training


Keynote & Training Topics

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